Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18th, 2013

I like to think that I have a gift for snacking. Creative snacking. An argument could be made that it isn't surprising considering I'm a visual artist and musical hobbyist. Generally speaking, I do live a pretty creatively inclined lifestyle. I would definitely say this is an extension of that. Snacking is another artform to me. Something for which I've had life long passion. And something, which not unlike other artforms finds creative genius striking well past midnight.

I take secret pride in it. Well not entirely secret, sometimes I make snacks with friends, but for the most part, my most beautiful creations are often only experienced, by me. I guess this is why I'm starting this blog; to document my creations. If art school taught me anything its that you MUST DOCUMENT your work, so that others may, to some extent get to appreciate my efforts. My true wish is that it inspire young aspiring snack-artists. Makes them think, and try new things, go beyond their comfort zones. take RISKS! At the very minimum, this blog will serve my own needs, to reflect and further my craft.  Really though, its so  I can re-create some of these masterpieces, as my boyfriend will attest. I have the worst memory. 

2:15 AM

Can't sleep. Stressing. Reddit isn't making me sleepy, stomach growls. Snack Time.  Sneak out to the kitchen. Can't be bothered to put on pants. Roommates asleep. Undies are basically like bathing suit bottoms anyways. 
I need to do groceries, running low on supplies, but sometimes genius happens when materials are limited. I see a loaf of bread. How about a PB&J?! I'm running low on peanut butter and I don't think I have any jam. Drat. Upon further inspection I find I do have some remaining organic chocolate peanut butter from Gilgrease farms.  That's a start.  I don't have conventional jam, I do however have some organic jalapeño-raspberry from a roadside coffee shop in Utah on the way to Zion. I was saving for brie and crackers but something tells me its going to work. How about a little honey for some extra sweetness, incase that jalapeño is too much. 
Ok, yeah, this sandwich is pretty good. It reminds me of those dark chocolate and chili pepper chocolate bars you see in stores nowadays. 
It still needs something.  Another twist, another layer, it needs texture. Texture is underrated. Everyone always talks about the foods they wont eat because they can't stand the texture. I however put a lot of consideration into texture, in visual art as well as edible art; it ads depth.  I see my dwindling pack of homemade tostadas. Perfect. one round crunchy tostada between the bread and spread. SNACK GENIUS. 
I give this after midnight snack a delicious rating of 8.7. Points for coming together in the moment as if assisted by the gods of creation, no pre-meditation, just instinct. Points for using only materials available (no running to the store) Points for activating sweet, spice, salt and texture. Points for being not terribly unhealthy too. Points for ease and minimal time spent.  Bonus roommate points for not making a huge mess and minimal dishes.

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